
![Truck mod]! Scania NG V8 Steffen Baakind truck

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![Truck mod]! Scania NG V8 Steffen Baakind truck


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!!NOT for low PC setup!! (can make lower fps)

Not V8 sound  and interior included !! 

Tested on 1.50 game version 

Standalone truck

NOTE: dont work with every mods, replaces base Scania R normal cab, other cab variants dont work, dont work with other skins

Game crash recovery video
NOTE: If you want use other types of Nextgen cabs Like R normal cab this is not good mod for you. It works better only with R normal cab.

Tuning packs from this site may not work correctly with Truck mod

Lightbox texture:
vehicle/truck/upgrade/smalllight/ light.dds and light1.dds

for last game update 1.39.xx (interior slots) open interior_slots_baakind file and paste to Baakind_Scania_nextgen_1.zip file

buy only base SCS Nextgen truck, then go to upgrade shop and buy accessories.

Attention for low PC setup: If truck dont show on mod manager, it is needed to resize 4096x4096 textures to 2048x2048 size in file: vehicle/truck/upgrade/exhaust, sideskirts, rearbumper

NOTE: Use only one of those zip files: 

Baakind_Scania_Nextgen_1.50x.zip  with base driver and steering wheel is compatible with interiors from other creators

Baakind_Scania_Nextgen_1.50.zip do not contain base driver and steering wheel and it is compatible with those interiors:

Special interior V2

Custom interior V2

Special interior V1

Custom interior V1

Truck description:

Replaced base ScS R model and tuning addons, using with other mods or nextgen cabs types cause dont work correct.Truck do not contain interior.
a lot of tuning 
holland style
vabis wheel
old school tuning
high quality
high poly
full AO
air suspension
trailer cables
dlc accessories
high details
open pmg
Programs used:
3Ds Max 2020;
Illustrator CC2020;
Zmodeler 3;

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