![Truck mod]! Scania NG V8 Geers
Real truck in 3D world
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Tested on 1.47 and higher game version
Standalone truck
!!NOT for low PC setup!! (can make lower fps)
NOTE: dont work with every mods, replaces base Scania R normal cab, other cab variants dont work, dont work with other skins
V8 sound and interior not cluded.
Game crash recovery video
Truck description:
Replaced base SCS S model and tuning addons, using with other mods or types of nextgen cabins cause dont work correct. Scania From Geers brothers
NOTE: Use only one of those zip files:
Scania_Geers_base_1.50x.zip with base driver and steering wheel is compatible with interiors from other creators
Scania_Geers_base_1.50.zip do not contain base driver and steering wheel and it is compatible with those interiors: